Monday, November 20, 2006

no title

Yesterday downloaded the form for the internship. I shows some fields that Im not able to answer. Still not sure whether to appl or not. They are asking fellowshp for work in fluid dynamics. It would have been better if I had done a course in Fluid Mech. But I will be havng it in next sem. If the date for the application is after that then I can get the form filled at least when Im doing a course in Flu mech. So I can get at least something to fill in.

On the road. While I was on my way to lecture hall on my cycle, just before the gate, in a hurry mood, with the fresh laziness of the morning, ready to be assaulted by proffessors, was just about to crash in some object. Object identified! Another man with gray hairs and matching once- white kurta- payjama, on his cycle. It was my fault for this apparent crash. So normally I would expect a person whom I have never been aquainted to give a killing stare oo a moderately loud murmer or some abuses. But this man was not upto the expectations. The reaction was just opposite. Smile! He gave me a broader than broad smile and passed on! I would have neglected the event owing to the length of time it occured and all the wild thoughts of exams running through my head. But mind you people this not something you encounter everyday. He would have got one tenth of a second to make his neuron cells click. Even the first response of the humblest of person would have have been a stare. But why does this man reacted so differently? What must be the reason? Let us explore.
Was he God that he controlled his response to stimulus so well? Every person is a hybridisation of God and Evil. But being God would mean 100% God character which voilates all phisical, chemical, spiritual,.. laws. It is quite possible that just before this accident he had encountered something that granted his long - wished wish. And sunshined by that happiness he was able to give such a response. Or he might have seen his lost loved one in me that he couldn't help but smile.
Whatever the reason may be, it was an unforgetable and a rare event for me. It is for that reason that I have so much to describe for that one second

Shadab again. Still trying to prove that he is even greater shit. He boasts that he is able to flirt a proff's daughter. Chats with her all day Makes fool of her. Tells all kind of lies. Makes her fight with her friends. And these foolish girl leave their genuine friends for such bastered. And the bastered taking it as a credit to him that he is able to do such rubbish thing.

Orkut Fortune: When winter comes heaven will rain success on you
Let us see what type of rain is it. Success! Is that what we strive for? Because it gives happiness? Or it is happiness that we strive for? Second argument seems more appealing

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