Monday, November 26, 2012

Alternate profession

While I was working in a corporate job I found everything elusive and I and a friend of mine used to compare it with farming a ground and how the later is so fulfilling job. What do you need end of the day. Grow your own food. What better than that? Like run your own company. You may joke about it. Even think about it. But to do it is whole lot different. There are 2 persons I read about that made me go back to this thought (far from action).

First one was a few days ago. A white collar employee from Delhi turns to turmeric farming. Catch it here.

Second and more amazing. It is about about this postgraduate rickshaw wala It takes a lot of guts to come face to face with the urban survival challenge by choice. Obviously it didn't go down well with the family and asa they heard about it they wanted him back in house. The motive was interesting. How many of us can do that?
The Hindu article. The gentleman blogs here.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Happy Diwali

Happy Diwali to all of you. I had to wake up early today to take part in pooja proceedings back home through video conf.
It has been a long day today. Another long day awaits tomorrow. Good nighty!

Friday, November 09, 2012

Two faced

There are two sides of me. One side wants to just be me by myself. Enjoy the solitude. Do not care about going to socialize. The other side forces to go 'out' more. Constantly telling me to not miss the party invitations.
It is difficult to say which side wins. They kinda go hand in hand but in my case, mostly, first side prevails.
I so much want to sit and work. Or just sit and do something interesting.
On a different note I haven't been doing much apart from work. There is a canvas and oil paints waiting for me in my apartment to start working again on them. My squash racquet is stashed beneath my bunk bed somewhere. Haven't biked more than 3 miles in a long time, save one occasion last month. Suspended my facebook account. And haven't been posting blogs either. This needs to be changed.