Thursday, August 13, 2009

Get busy living

Yes. I've found something to work on. Mugging up wordlists for GRE. Not very interesting though. To much of everybody surprise I'm giving GRE. Everybody is either preparing for CAT or GRE. May be because they want to play safe with an extra option than relying on SPO for placement. And in the times such as now someone getting placed for a job is not a frequently occurring phenomena. So it be. I'll also play safe. At least it keeps me busy.

Squash coaching started this Wednesday. And this time in the morning 7 A.M. Now that means getting up early morning. Implies sleeping early at night. Implies very difficult thing to be regular.

Thesis is dull as used it used to be and with only three lectures a week I'm left with affluence to prepare for GRE. Doing one wordlist per day is not bad. Whole 50 in 50 days. Sounds good.

By the way I'm reminded of a considerable achievement of mine. Into fifth year of stay at IITK and still alive! That's not a certain event. Statistically speaking that's not 100% probable event. Unfortunately in last 4 years seven unfortunate people have failed to do so. All of them chose to end it rather. A few others attempted but couldn't succeed. A most recent attempt came few days before. What a pity of this institute and what a sad end to those so-called cream-of-the nation. And what bad name it brings to institute. But authorities still shamelessly lying in everyone's face.


Aditi said...

This reminds me of my coll days.. Mugging up was the most irriating thing to do i swear!

Sauc said...

Oh that's inevitable part of it. btw you need to mug up loads to give gre exam and have vocab as weak as mine. :(

Aditi said...

Its okay . They say "Knowledge is power, and power corrupts. So study hard and be evil." :p

Sauc said...

Nice observation.
but arguably evil is also power.

Intergalactic Gattu said...

Oye yeh sucidide wala case phir se?

Sauc said...

Only attempt. Not successful.