Thursday, August 15, 2013

Happy Independence day

Happy Independence Day to all Indians! Although if you actually look back at the day that we are trying to celebrate there are more things to be sad about than to be happy.
Not that I am a pessimist (which I may be independently but it is totally unrelated to this observation) but the biggest migration in history took place in that year 1947. Considerable fraction of human population was murdered by their own kind. Yes I am talking about partition of India and the bloodbath involved. Over years I have read a lot about this unfortunate event and I tend to imagine what it must have been to live to see those days in, say, Lahore or Amritsar.
Not that it was the first time hate was used as killing tool but it could have been avoided, at least partially, with minutest attention to better administration and taking more time for conflict resolution instead of hurrying it off. This time of year infuses a sense of melancholia in me.
The very next to next day comes my birthday. And this happens every year. For some reasons I am not particularly enthusiastic on the day for birthdays in general. Not to say that 15 Aug has any contribution to this effect but I am not sure why/how I want to celebrate it. Although I must admit it feels nice when lot of people wish 'Happy Birthday'. It makes you feel you are important. :)

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