Thursday, July 23, 2015

Relationships (un)explored

Each day in our lives we come across a lot of people. We like them or we don't but we form connections with each and every one of them. (Let me take small pit-break here and announce that instead of forcing my experiences/opinions on 'we' I will start addressing to us as I. I still believe that it is applicable to many, if not most, of us). Moving on, the feeling of likeness is based on  how much I can associate or identify myself with others. The basic instinct of humans is to like over dislike and love over hate. If you don't know someone it is easier to love them than hate them. To hate someone it is essential to know them. But to love it is not. Hence, I argue, love is more pervasive than hate. Someone long ago said to me: 'familiarity breeds contempt'. I was a bit pissed off after hearing this because this someone was someone with potential of being someone more familiar and special. Now, older and wiser, I cannot help but wonder how true this is.

Out of all those connections I wonder whether some could have been (or could be) more meaningful than others. But more often these connections are left unexplored (for good reasons, I suppose)
Sometimes it is simply plain old fear of rejection. Sometimes I just wonder if I am being 'greedy' in wanting more out of relationship and then go on to impose selflessness in my ways. Sometimes, in cases where applicable, it is the fear of falling into the abyss. Other times I happily embrace the nomad inside me and let it guide me through unattached living. Or I just get too lazy to make iota of effort. Whatever the reason, there are a many connections in the world that are being explored and many others being unexplored.

I think it would be apt to end this post with following lines from a famous ghazals. Ghazals are so beautiful, they just get me every time. This is so true in the modern ultra-fast paced society.

"Har taraf har jagah beshumaar aadmi,
fir bhi tanhaiyon ka shikar aadmi"

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