Saturday, October 15, 2011


Bar in America = Railway platform in India.
Except with a lot of sleaze. Or with a lot of 'freedom' in an another perspective which lot of us would like to have. Interestingly they call them The Library. Best trick for teetotallers that I learnt online and which matches my taste was to ask the bartender for 'non-alcoholic non-carbonated drink'. And the closest I got was lemonade which happened to be carbonated. And it did not match my taste for sure. No mock-tails, no soft-drink in the menu. Heck! Wrong bar for starters!
I liked it for the same reason as I like train journey. It is so rare to see crowded places in USA. When I recall my initial days, it would look like Section 144 in our place. This is the second time I saw this large crowd in this country. (First was in the state fair). After an initial interval T it became more monotonous than lively. So I was kind of bored and enjoying both. And sleepy too. So teetotallers should not go to bars or should not stay after time T.

On an unrelated note Rahul Dravid said in an HT interview: "I try not doing things that I’m not comfortable with."