Saturday, March 27, 2010


In august I bought a squash racquet. In march this year its gone. That bloody frame made of carbon fiber broke down. The worst part is it did not happen while playing. Otherwise it would have been a consolation. Somebody borrowed from me. I lend him. He goes to his room. After minutes he discovers that racket is broken a bit. When I look at it that 'bit' was not really a bit. It was byte. Or may be megabyte if not gigabyte. Carbon fibre is supposed to last life long. That bloody quack who sold me the racquet told me this. My life goes on but its life ends. What am I supposed to do. End my life or somewhat.

Non living objects are to be used and living beings are for loving. So it's not love for racquet .But it carried more significance than just being a racquet. It was birthday gift.

Anyways there more setbacks these days than this. Nothing seems to be working in thesis these days. And I have to anyhow do it well before joining date- 28 june. Right now I have no clue how will I make it. I will make it through though. Because all things must pass! All things must pass away!


Shanu said...

Don't worry my friend! I have lost some very important non-living things too! Laptop, for instance! :P Does that make you feel better? (I am just trying :|). Don't worry about thesis. You will sail through. Talk to the instructor (like I did) :P. He will help! He always does!

Sauc said...

Hey thanks big guy...
Im doing good now. It has passed.
But Im still floundering in thesis part. Hope to get it straight soon.