Monday, February 22, 2010

Weekend out

I had a weekend out of college. went to attend wedding ceremony of a friend's sister. It was at a rather unknown place 3 hrs journey from Delhi. So we (I and a friend) went to Delhi and traveled with 2 others in Delhi by road. I must say it was a rather boring day sitting there idle with no one to talk. We stood like 3 idiots. I started to wonder why we in India make so much pomp and show of marriage. We should rather save some bucks instead. And save a lot of people from getting bored and wasting 1-2 days of their short life. We invite people, bore them, feed them then bid them. Better to KISS. Keep it straight and simple. I would chose otherwise if given an option.

In spite of all this I had very nice time on Sunday. Came back to Delhi in the morning at my brother's house. After that there was a sort of mini-family-gathering. Two of my (cousin) brothers, I and my sister. All 4 of us have spent our childhood together at our old house. We are childhood mates and share close bonds.

By the way I practiced a lot on blindfold solving and got close several times during the return journey. Couldnt make it successful though.

But right now got my first successful blindfold solve!


Ankit said...

First succesful blindfold :) .. Congrats for that..

Sauc said...

Thanks man!
Success rate is very low. But I'm trying. Practice makes a man perfect.

Sauc said...

Oh... if any feminists out there read the above by chance then...
"Practice makes a women perfect too."