Thursday, February 18, 2010

A * can change your life

A * can change your life. For worse if commuted with a /. This is what ruined my life for over a week. Absolutely simple shit-piece of code was not working. So I thought I was not using the correct equations for computation. I scanned many journals and looked around for alternative methods but with no hope. In the end yesterday was a path breaking day and it just flashed me trace back the values. And the moment was maddening when I found out that I actually mistyped * in place of /. I went berserk screaming like stabbed man in the middle of road.

Good thing is results are absolute match with the reality and Im on to the next step! :)
Sometimes things can be simple shity. Shit happens. At times, shit happens.


Intergalactic Gattu said...

That's why you are not allowed to code when we are a team.

Sauc said...

Yeah! i know that... :(
And it is because I gave you this opportunity to code that you are good at coding.. :P