Tuesday, July 08, 2014

Alota traveling

I have been doing a lot of traveling lately. A lot of things crazier than what I would normally do. I did solo backpacking traveling with strangers in three different countries for 8 days. All three countries had different non-English native languages. Crashing at strangers' places.
Last weekend I was in Rocky mountains in Colorado climbing two peaks at 14000+ feet. It was exhausting as hell but I scaled the mountains. It was good feeling of achievement. My point is the more you travel the more you want more. I've been loving every bit of it. Some would say it is First world activities. But I feel traveling makes me free. I love the feeling of going somewhere with minimal belongings. I feel unbound, unattached. To a place. To things. And to people to some extent. I am practicing minimalism and endurance-ism when traveling.

When you've got nothing you've got nothing to lose.

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