Friday, March 07, 2014


I am so excited at this moment but no moment to get away with high excitation. :(
I'm finally taking three weeks break in June two of which will be in India to attend my sister's wedding. Yes, my sister is getting married!
In the meanwhile I'm trying to finish my preliminary exam which consists of writing a 30 page proposal. Basically justyfying a committee of 4 profs that my PhD is worth doing. And what I am contributing to existing set of knowledge and how it will change the world. Stuff like that.
Point of matter is I am working like an ass to finish writing it. Mostly because I am very inefficient when it comes to writing. I spend a lot of time trying to frame sentences and write only this much. I set my personal deadline of mid-march. Looks like it will go missed. But I'm trying hard. It will be some sigh of relief. I want to get done with it so that I can feel excited about my trip without worries. And then go there without less load when the time comes.
Good nighty!

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