Saturday, February 16, 2013

More work

Hi all. It is been long since I took some serious time to blog. Blogger is getting a miss every time I surf over internet. Not wrong to say that I was quite busy. First wrapping up the project I was working on plus starting new project. Secondly mom's health and India trip.
Okay. Whatever I do not want blogger to be second casualty of heavy work schedule. Facebook being the first one. But facebook didn't serve any purpose either so it had to go. Did it?

The unfunded project about density current that I was working on was a short one. Probably not going to be my thesis topic but it was interesting piece of work. It did generate some beautiful imagery. We are working to get something publishable out of it. I will post some of it here if it actually gets published somewhere.
First up is a conference abstract due within a month. Then shoot for a journal paper. It would be good to have some creditworthy work under your belt. I am kind of excited about it but not too excited because I haven't started writing anything. Next month or so will unfold the details.
The semester is going a tough because of the TA course of which I have little idea. It takes usually more than what I am paid for. But that's the nature of things with Indians in most of the world :D I am not complaining.
I have a bunch of lab reports to grade. Self goal was to grade them by saturday and then have Sunday left to recreate. Reality is there are only 13 minutes left in Saturday and I havent started yet. :( Too bad.

I've also started going swimming once every week. Not as frequent as I would love to but lets say any non-zero frequency is much better than not going at all. I think Im  improving bit by bit every week. (Just have been two weeks so far :|)

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