Wednesday, March 16, 2011


There are so many futile things in this world. The futility is highlighted by the fact that we tend to forget the futile chase and run behind them like miserable hopeless losers. The whole life the goals are futile, the chase is futile and then everything seems futile.


Maecy said...

Just reading random blogs and yours came up. There is purpose in many apparently futile things. So many of us learn our true character in the middle of hard and impossible times. There is a plan for our lives. I would discuss further if you choose to inquire.

Sauc said...

Thanks Maecy for comment. You are right. Of course there is a purpose in a way. But in other what purpose do we seek for? At length? I mean on a longer time span everything gets lost and rubbed off. We all have plans true. But what for? Most of the time it is for most material things which really look trivial at times. Aint it?