Sunday, January 08, 2012


Sometimes I remember the old days when I used to travel back home. From Kanpur to Allahabad my hometown on train. The early morning seemed so nice. It was so different. So calm all around only the birds chirping. And the sunset/sunrise in the rustic background of the hostel (Hall 9) was a treat to watch. I kind of miss those mornings. And the evenings too when I would just stand in at the end of last block facing west. The breeze was so strong you could almost hear it sing the kind of songs which inspired William Wordsworth. I am not a gifted poet but I am human I can feel the same.
At the back of hostel, in fact on three sides, there were a vast ground usually covered with tall bushes. The kind of bushes you see on Africa jungles on NGC. In the dawn and dusk the sun against the high rise bushes made a lovely picture. You ought to see it. I wish I could see it again. A picture will give you some idea. It was nothing like living in such a place. It is priceless.


Ankit said...

Good old days of Hall 9..

I am missing it more after reading this post.

Spontaneous said...

Good old days really. That period made me believe that plains can be beautiful.

Sauc said...

I know all of us 'hall-9 mates' would never ever forget those days. The only thing that I could say about those days will be simple 'Life is wonderful'