Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Stuff my Mom talks about

Last night I was talking to Mom on phone. Somehow we got into this topic and she starts talking about how our education, though necessary, is only one third part of our personality. One other part is your health and your body you should take care of it whatever you are blessed with. Some are blessed more than others but your credit is to what you maintain not what was not in your hand.
Then third part she said was mannerism. How humility is important to carry all times. And how you carry yourself in society, meet different people in society. And how it is important to meet all kinds of people.
My Mom is smarter than you would think. While this was in some other context she was taking down two birds with one stone. I sensed that there was something for me in all of this ;) Both of us had good laugh when I said this.

She had good reasons to say what she said to me. Last time I was living at home I was more interested in solving calculus problems than attending wedding parties. I explained that I don't want to go to parties where I don't know much people. Often I was excused because I was busy with my school stuff. I think I was still teenager then. Then I remember one of my first blog post about Acquaintance/Relationship unexplored about how many connections that we think can lead to a long-lasting friendships go unexplored because of external factors.

A lot has changed since then I would say. (Not that I am not interested in calculus any more, now I do that, and a lot more, on computer for a living). Mostly within last one year (or less) I think. Now I don't mind walking into a bunch of people I have never met before. I think I have starting liking all of this. Meeting new people and knowing more about them, trying to understand what went through there lives. It is like every person is a story and I try to understand what shaped one's story. I try to do that without being prying lest I sound like creep :) And along the way meet some great people and forge great friendships. Much of which might go unexplored otherwise.

Since last few times I talked to Mom, on more than one occasions I was also asked if I had 'special' friend. And then eventually the conversation goes to start-looking-a-girl-for-yourself. All I had to say in the end that I am thankful to be born in India and that I believe in arranged marriage. And that I believe everyone is good and I can make it work with whoever I end up with. All that said I am not totally ignoring the task. I am giving it some thought, albeit with minimal efforts.

Anyway there is a story may be I can share in next post. I learned one more thing while writing this blog. Writing a blog while cooking dinner is not a good idea. I'm going eat have half burnt spaghetti. Bon apetitte!

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