Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Half break

The first half of the break gone. Actually more than half. Two days in city of Miami were good. The Atlantic ocean is majestic! truly majestic. First day was just hanging around the south beach, collecting some sea-shells and pebbles (old habits die hard). While walking on the beach I met a very interesting old man. He was Vietnam veteran and interested in history. Talked to him at some length before my buddies called me up. It is good to know the perspective of someone who had been to the down and dirty. He said his job was to fly small glider plane to be shot down by Vietnamese. This helped locate their positions.
Now I am in Key west which is southernmost tip of US. Im home blogging and rest of my team is club hopping. I want to get up early tomorrow. If I do I will be lucky enough to witness sunrise in the morning.

This is Atlantic Ocean as seen from Miami beach around noontime. Majestic, isn't it?


Vatsheel said...

Are you sure you managed to see Pacific and not Atlantic Ocean in Miami? Super powers hmm :P

Intergalactic Gattu said...

Vatsheel, you beat me to it!

Sauc said...

My bad. :( correction implemented