Sunday, September 09, 2012


There are several WTFs going on these days time. Cartoonist Aseem Trivedi arrested for making political cartoon. How can it be a criminal to make cartoons! How? WTF?
A certain politician in Mumbai gives hate speech openly every other day and people, lots of people, even those who are supposedly well to do off intellectually follow the demagogues. Those who are supposed to use their brain not the hate instincts. Lead the society into better place are following (and spreading) demagoguery. Why? WTF?
You can give a hate speech as an occupation and walk free but make a cartoon to get arrested. That's how it works? Why? WTF?
A group of political followers group together and stage protest against another political class. Attack police personal. Manhandle women. But guess what, it is not a crime. They walk free. If you wish to get arrested you better learn to draw cartoons. WTF?
I can go on and on and on. But what's the point. I mean I listen, so do a lot of people, to all the wtf and say wtf? And then what do I do. What could I do? To do anything I need to go way out of way. Which is the point where it all stops. And which is the reason for all the wtfs.

1 comment:

Shreya said...

Yap there are enough WTF happening around in India right now.
Like in this cartoon case " Deshdroh " was way too much to be blamed on the cartoonist, max they could have filed it as an insult or derogatory. But no the stretch things too much & Anti national was way too much.

However i also feel National emblem , national Flag are not something we should mess with even in cartoon. I mean what is the mistake of these signs if there are corrupt politicians in the country. If we can be sensitive about issues like Mr.Hussain painting nude Indian Gods why not be sensitive about these signs too.

Anyways but thats again my opinion and every one is entitled to have different one.
Btw hope your cake baked right.