Saturday, July 28, 2012


What are the odds that you will be traveling 10+ mph on a road bike on a nice sunny morning and there will be a tree on the side of the road with a wire hanging from top and that wire will entangle in your bike and you will fall down from over-speeding bike?
Well however small the odds you do happen to be just unlucky sometimes. Today was my day to be unlucky. I fell down and put all the body weight on one hand and seriously injured my right wrist. Xrays dont see fracture but it still hurts lot. It may take as long as 10 days to heal. If it is a hidden fracture, 1% chance then it may take months and an operation. Odds are small but nevertheless, fingers crossed! Its good that it is over weekend. I can start working from Monday if the pain alleviates.
Right now I have splint in one hand to keep the wrist in place. And yes typing with one hand is pain.


Shreya said...

Hey hope you are doing better now, its ok I am sure you have the courage to overcome that. Just gather your strength and get well soon and take lotsa rest [whenever possible:)].

Sauc said...

Hey. Thank You!
Pain is receding. Im getting getting better.