Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Poster & suicides

Today I had a poster presentation and it was not as bad as I thought it would do. Team of 4 we did not start off on time but then slogged a bit in the end to reach there. It was not outstanding but it looked more than over-a-weekend project. As a matter of fact we worked quite more than over-a-weekend.
The results although wrong looked feasible :).

I am reading this report on suicides at IITK. I will post a comment by Director Prof. Dhande: "We are all very concerned about what is happening. Though there are number of factors that are responsible for academically linked suicides at IITs, these can be curbed by systemic reforms. The council is not an insensitive body and I am sure some of these reforms will come up for discussion at the meeting." And now here are some of the suggestions by different fact finding committees setup after each suicides: "replace ceiling fans with pedestal fans in hostel rooms, eliminate single rooms from hostel, jam the cell phones or slow down internet speed."

Suicide rate at IITK is 10 times the average of suicides rate in north India. Also a peculiar thing about the state-wise suicide rate is that the southern supposed more educated and well-off states have much higher suicide rates than norther 'poor' states UP, Bihar. So, statistically speaking, if you want to live DONT STUDY!


Shreya said...

I wonder if suggestions given will have any effect to reduce the number of suicides in lone term.

May be it is the more aware people educated one's who think much about wether they'd be accepted by people in case they fail. And these presumptions of future failure in anything prompts them to take such an extreme step. The reasons could be varied though...

Sauc said...

Suggestions are laughable. I wonder how they collect such degrading intelligence. But fortunately things are improving and they are changing grading scheme and less exams.