Sunday, May 22, 2011

Forgetting names

How embarrassing it becomes when we forget someone's name some time. It happens mostly when you are meeting someone after a long time. But for me it is not usually. If I know someone's name I can recall it after long times but problem is to get it right in first trial. When I meet somebody for the first time and (s)he tells name I usually tend to observe that person and not concentrate on what (s)he is saying for name. I will concentrate more on how (s)he is speaking and all. So it is very difficult to get it in first trial. I always require to ask just after few minutes. But there are nice tips and tricks you can use to escape the embarrassment. Following is a list taken from this link.

1. Tell them your name first.
Someone is approaching you – you know the face, but not the name. Try being the first to talk, smile and say “Hello, we’ve met before – I’m Dee”. In most cases the other person will say there name too. This works perfect in situations when you only met someone briefly because there is a change they also have forgotten your name. Using this trick provides the person with your name also, without either of you having to admit you forgot names.

2. The extra sneaky tricks.
Ask the person their name and after they tell you say “No, I ment your last name.” Another option is to ask how they spell their name, now of course this can backfire if their name is something simple (like Dee).

3. Avoid saying names altogether.
There are situations where you do not want to admit you forgot a name. If it is a name you should know and the consequences are too big then starting a conversation without any names is your best bet. For example, “Oh hi, how have you been?” “Good to see you again, I was hoping you would be here”. This also gives you a chance to remember their name as you talk.

4. Use the ‘introduce a friend’ trick.
“Hello, oh have you met my friend Jack?” Jack then says hi and in most situations the person will introduce themselves to Jack. If the person merely says “Hi Jack” then you can still say “I’m sorry, I have forgotten your name”.

5. Darling so good to see you!
This trick is really a twist on avoid saying names altogether. But instead you use a substitute where you would usually say their name. Such as darling, honey, champ, sir, dude etc. Not recommended at business events but can work at parties.

6. Ask someone else what their name is.
If you are attending a party or networking event scan the room for familiar faces. If you can’t place a name to a face then ask a friend who they are. Now you know their name and are ready to greet them later.

7. Be honest (short and simple).
If you are going to ask someone what their name is because you have forgotten add an apologize. “I’m so sorry I can’t remember your name” or “I’m sorry, what was your name again?” A simple apology is all that is needed before launching into a conversation with them. Or you could try something even simplier like “Can you remind me what your name is?”

There are a bunch of sites here and here that have tips on how to remember people’s names so you’ll never have to use the tips in this post.


Raccoon said...

I work in nursarys sometimes and i'm forever forgetting the childrens names...there's so many of them! My favourite one is always "How do you spell your name?" pretending i'm writing it on something important :P

Sauc said...

With kids that wud work always without fail. :D :D