Saturday, August 26, 2006

Photography at Air-strip

  • My Hero Neon bicycle is a miracle. Its tyres get flat without notice and without reason.
Anyways me, Vatsheel and Rajiv went to the planned to get to air-strip at IITK. Usually only some of glidders ownned by the institute. We three reached up at around 5:30. Rajiv on his cycle and I doubling with Vatsheel's.
As we reached a glidder was up in the air taking the rounds of the strip so we could'nt walk on it. But soon it came down to landing when we shot this.

Note the front fans of the glidder are rotating.

Then there was some photography on the air-strip and an animal called "neel gaay".

Saucy ready to take a flight on his own wings!

Rajiv and Vatsheel.

And when we were returning I noticed a bird on the line wire and stopped everyone to capture it.

  • Got a snap of another unknown bird in front of my hostel room. It was not as such a beauty but I snapped because it was an uncommon species. Posted the above pic too on and left a caption asking people its species name.
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