Saturday, March 22, 2014

I am a rock

"I am a rock, I am an island.
And a rock feels no pain, and an island never cries."
--Simon & Garfunkel

I've played this song like 100 times in last few days. A cool website to do this:

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Happy Holi

Happy Holi all readers. It's never spring in spring in Minnesota so never felt like Holi. We will probably do our Holi when weather warms a little but more.
April some time.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Grad school

Grad school is the kind of place which can mess up with your inside, if you not keep track of yourself. However much you work often it feels like you are not doing enough. You are not making enough efforts. There is always much more you can do or you could have done. So much to do, so much to learn.
And then there are times when you wonder whether what you are doing really matters. Does anyone care about it? Does it really makes a difference? Why are you doing this? This feeling very aptly summarized bellow by phdcomics.

To take it to extreme some would feel they are not entitled to having fun at all. Any time they catch themselves not working it feels guilty of some sort. Then I discovered it is not a singleton behaviour. There are multitudes of us.

So what is it that helps get around some of such stuffs? You would not guess: thorough literature review. I was reading a lot of previous works related to simulation of flow around marine and hydrokinetic turbines in natural river flows and to be honest I was tiny bit surprised that how little has been done. I came across really crappy published papers in random ass conferences getting 20-30+ citations within an year. There was also a published study about the same topic in Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A which looked like a conference paper worth of work. All of which makes what I plan to do (assuming I successfully do it, or plan to attempt) more important than I thought.

SIGH... Back to Work!

Friday, March 07, 2014


I am so excited at this moment but no moment to get away with high excitation. :(
I'm finally taking three weeks break in June two of which will be in India to attend my sister's wedding. Yes, my sister is getting married!
In the meanwhile I'm trying to finish my preliminary exam which consists of writing a 30 page proposal. Basically justyfying a committee of 4 profs that my PhD is worth doing. And what I am contributing to existing set of knowledge and how it will change the world. Stuff like that.
Point of matter is I am working like an ass to finish writing it. Mostly because I am very inefficient when it comes to writing. I spend a lot of time trying to frame sentences and write only this much. I set my personal deadline of mid-march. Looks like it will go missed. But I'm trying hard. It will be some sigh of relief. I want to get done with it so that I can feel excited about my trip without worries. And then go there without less load when the time comes.
Good nighty!